G.R. NO. 190016, October 2, 2013


Contract to Sell and a Conditional Deed of Sale


A contract to sell is akin to a conditional sale where the efficacy or obligatory force of the vendor’s obligation to transfer title is subordinated to the happening of a future and uncertain event, so that if the suspensive condition does not take place, the parties would stand as if the conditional obligation had never existed.


Dolores C. Ventura entered into a Contract to Sell with the spouses Endaya for the purchase on two parcels of land in Paranaque City. The contract provided that upon full payment, the spouses Endaya would execute a final deed of sale over the same in favor of Ventura. The latter was placed in possession of the property, but before the payment period expired. Ventura died.


Dolores  Ventura  entered  into  a  contract  to sell with spouses Endaya for the purchase of two parcels of land owned by the latter. The  contract  stipulated  that  Dolores  would initially  pay  a  down  payment  of ₱103,284 upon the execution of the contract and pay the balance  of ₱244,476.00within  an  15-year period    with    12%    interest    p.a.    on    the outstanding balance, plus a 12% interest p.a. on the arrears, and also the obligation to pay the   real   property   taxes   over   the   subject properties.Dolores  was  placed  in  possession  of  the subject  properties  and  allowed  to  erect  a building    thereon.    However,    before    the payment   period   expired,   Dolores   passed away.Dolores’   children   filed   to   the   RTC   a complaint  for  specific  performance,  seeking to  compel  Sps.  Endaya  to  execute  a  deed  of sale    over    the    subject    properties.    The petitioners   claim   that   the   total   payments made by Doloresand petitioners amounted to ₱952,152.00, which is more than the agreed purchase price of ₱347,760.00, including the 12%interest  p.a.  thereon  computed  on  the outstanding balance.Sps.  Endaya  aver  that  prior  to  the  death  of Dolores, several restructuring of the contract were  agreed  upon  by  the  parties  fixing  the obligation to P3,000,000.The  RTC  ruled  in  favor  of  the  petitioners stating that the full payment of the purchase price of the property was proven, but this was reversed  by  the  CA  which  found  that  the petitioners were not able to fully comply with their obligations.


Should the respondents be compelled to execute the final deed of sale over the two parcels of land in favor of petitioners?


No. A contract to sell is defined as a bilateral contract whereby the prospective seller while expressly reserving the ownership of the subject property despite delivery thereof to the prospective buyer, binds himself to sell the said property exclusively to the latter upon his fulfillment of the conditions as agreed upon, i.e. the full payment of the purchased price and / or compliance with the other obligations stated in the contract to sell. The failure of the prospective buyer to make full payment abide by his commitment stated in the contract to sell prevents the obligation on the prospective seller to execute the corresponding deed of sale from arising. Aside from the payment of the purchase price and interest on the outstanding balance, the contract to sell likewise imposed upon petitioners the obligation to pay the real property tax over the subject properties. However, the records submitted clearly show that only the payments corresponding to the principal obligation and the interest on the outstanding balance were paid. Since the petitioners failed to comply with all the obligations stipulated in the contract to sell, the respondents have no obligation to execute a deed of sale over the properties. Thus, the respondents cannot be compelled to execute a deed of sale in favor of petitioners.

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